I'm doing both reviews at the same time for one reason only. Both of these movies are actually rather short. Therefore, I'm going to give two paragraphs, short pieces on each section and both movies will get their own dependent score for each section then their each overall score.
Also, I will not let my own opinion or enjoyment of the movie affect the overall score. For example if I hate the movie, but the overall story and characters are great, whether I like them or not I'll give credit to the media in question. This review will take into account all the good and bad points of the media and add up a final score at the end. Remember, a 10 is close to perfect with little flaw, 5 is mediocre but is still functioning, and 0 is when nothing in the media functions at all. Please keep in mind that if a media gets a 10 it means you are most likely going to enjoy the media, but there is still a chance you won't. Thank you for reading.
WARNING possible spoilers WARNING
The plot to Dead Zone is simple. There is an evil guy, his past deals with Kami's past, Kami being the protector of Earth in the original anime, and the evil guy, Garlic Jr. wishes for immortality. It is an okay look into what would happen if a fighter did become immortal, and Kami's past outside of Namik. Problem is that it is short, and the part where Kami says Goku kills Piccolo never comes to pass. Plot is also short and goes by quick.
World's Strongest is actually the better plot with a scientist known for cruel genetic experiments is found in the ice caps. The mad doctor, a living brain in a large robot, is looking to create powerful genetic fighters as well as looking for a new body. Thinking Master Roshi is the strongest fighter of all time, he kidnaps him and Bulma, however he learns that Roshi was surpassed by his pupil Goku. Goku ends up fighting the genetic fighters and after winning, Wheelo comes out and fights, however while losing he decides to destroy the Earth instead. It is pretty good plot especially considering how short it is.
This isn't a good way to learn about Dragon Ball Z in either movie. Dead Zone however does well enough with the characters, though the powers and army Garlic Jr. has comes right out of nowhere. It is a great builder for Kami however, and still has Piccolo as a villain as the movie takes place before Raditz. Seeing Piccolo in his more villainous state is pretty cool. The villains are interesting but they aren't as interesting as Garlic Jr. Garlic Jr. is small at first but turns big and is pretty tough in his own right. Not bad for characters at all.
That being said, Dr. Wheelo is probably just as good. Not only that, but the powers of Wheelo's minions are far more unique and interesting. Also there is a part with Chi-Chi accepting Gohan's attempts at helping his dad, which seems unlikely. Also, there is some moments that the underused Master Roshi gets to be seen which is nice too. Not as cool as Kami in Dead Zone, but still nice.
The action in Dead Zone is awesome. It is intense knowing Garlic Jr. can't be killed, and knowing he has an army behind him doesn't help. Besides, Garlic's minions defeating Chi-Chi and Ox King is crazy as well. The only real issue here is that Gohan eats an apple that gets him drunk for whatever reason. I think the writer of the movie thought Gohan had mental issues or something, as it is kind of weird and I didn't exactly know how to feel about it. Funny when we see the normal world and drunk Gohan is making a warrior look like a fool, but trippy when watching Gohan's demented point of view. Still, great action and can be a little intense.
World's Strongest is a little less interesting. The fights are cool again, but the way Gohan helped Piccolo was odd, and the action of the final fight didn't get to the level that it did in Dead Zone. Wheelo destroying the Earth didn't feel as intense as it should have been, and the only intense part was when Wheelo shot Goku while Goku was charging his strongest attack (finally someone didn't just wait around for the attack). It wasn't bad, but it could have been better. Also Gohan falls asleep for whatever reason and we see his dream. So both movies have a weird feeling towards Gohan for whatever reason.
The animation was pretty good in Dead Zone, but there were parts that it didn't hold up through the times. There were a large amount of times where the age was not well hidden and with a pointless scene with Gohan (see above), it isn't the best scene quality by any means. That being said, some of the animation during the fight scenes was amazing, even if the colors looked grainy and dark at times. Another thing I wonder about is the setting. At the end of the movie, the setting of the movie broke apart and the sky turned to glass. The scenes work here, but they aren't great and can be slightly confusing as well.
World's Strongest only has a few issues with lighting. There are times the setting is so dark, that the audience can't make heads or tails of what they are looking at, and while the movie is suppose to be that way, as the main characters have the same issue, it still feels awkward. Also there should be a scene in which Master Roshi escapes bindings, but that scene isn't there and he is randomly "free" so there is that. That being said, the darkness issues are few and far between, and since those scenes are suppose to be like that, I can't have too much issue with it, and the feeling there should be a scene where there isn't is also small. The animation quality is great, and outside of Gohan's dream sequence, there isn't a pointless scene in the movie.
Dead Zone may have a bit too much in the way of creative thinking. Garlic Jr.s Dead Zone attack comes out of nowhere despite being the title of the movie. The setting is also oddly designed and effects the scene quality as well though while nice and creative it makes no sense overall. Still, the guys pulling swords out of their bodies and the designs of the villains are nice. Goku defeating them is also pretty creative which is nice in the long run.
World's Strongest is better creatively as not only does Goku get fired upon while charging an attack, but the powers and designs of the bad guys are all unique to the Dragon Ball universe and they are good designs as well which none of the powers here are out of place nor do they come out of nowhere. While this movie cannot fit into the regular timeline as it seems to take place before Namek saga and after the Raditz Saga, but neither Goku or Piccolo are dead. Still a fun tale and great creative designs.
Dead Zone isn't a bad movie, and if you've watched the original series, this explains Garlic Jr who shows up as filler. If you like Gohan, Kami, or evil Piccolo, then this movie is for you. If you like great action this is for you. If you are a stickler for plot, scene quality, or creativity, then you may want to shy away from this film. If you haven't watched Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z ever, or if you haven't seen the final season of Dragon Ball, this movie won't make sense to you. Still for a Dragon Ball Z movie, this delivers on the action, so action junkies enjoy. This isn't a bad flick for fans of the original series, but this isn't the best place to jump into.
World's Strongest while still not introducing the good guys, still delivers more on the story and creativity, as well as the animation quality. Emotional Pull may not be as strong, but this is still the better of the first two movies. If you haven't watched Dragon Ball Z then don't bother, and if you don't know about Gohan and Piccolo's friendship during the Saiyen Saga, then you may want to brush up before watching. Again, while the action isn't as good, the animation and plot are far better, and there is still good points for action junkies. If you like Dragon Ball Z I recommend this one highly, but if you aren't a fan of the source material, then there isn't much point and this is a terrible place to jump in.