This is my personal list. This list will only include boss fights form boss battles I've personally beaten, so unfortunately no Shadow of the Colossus as while it is on my list I've not played that game. Also it has to be from a game I've beaten, so no Kingdom Hearts boss fights as I've yet to actually beat the game despite being at the end of the game. One more thing, the majority of my history with gaming is Nintendo based, I grew up with and still play Nintendo games. That being said, I've played through God of War I, II, and III and I've been through countless games on the X-Box as well so if there are bosses that can go on this list through games I've played they go on there. If you have a complaint shut your cake hole, but if you know of a boss or bosses that I've never encountered (or in a rare case forgot) feel free to talk about those bosses in the comment section. This blog is to promote discussion after all.
WARNING there are DEFIANTLY spoilers in this blog. If you have not played Batman Arkham City or Prototype, beware. Heck there are some spoiler type issues with the other games too if you like being surprised. WARNING
This boss is basically a giant head looking creature coming from the ground. While most of its attacks aren't exactly earth based or earth shattering, it is still in the ground itself. You have to pump poison (actually a cure but that is more difficult to explain) into the ground just to get this thing to come out. Afterwards it is a beast of a fight, with you needing to beat back its muscle tissue until nothing but the spinal column is left. It is a powerful and tough fight, and probably one of the more interesting things in Prototype to begin with.
Yes that is a girl. Believe it or not, one of her deadliest attacks is to dig holes... then toss grenades into them. While it is actually not hard to avoid the attack, she still fights with a shovel if you get close range, though she also likes to hide mines around her field and shoot missiles from her ass. At least I'd assume the missiles are from there I'm not 100% sure where they come from. Probably one of the more meaningful fights in the series, I personally think she is a fun fight, but others don't like her for being annoying.
Just fighting one of these is fun. Fighting both at once is far more interesting. The only issue I have with this fight is that it is easy with teh Cat Suit, and honestly they pretty much give you cat bells to transform. Still it is a unique boss fight for a Mario game and these large snakes do attack from the dirt as well as shoot flaming rocks from the sky.
Beware of Earthquake from this guy. The leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni is a powerful opponent you face several times in the original Red and Blue. Even after defeating his entire empire, there is one last challenging fight as he is also the gym leader of Viridian City. He si not the easiest gym battle, in fact he is one of the more difficult as he often wrecks unsuspecting opponents with powerful earthquakes and earth based attacks. He is also easily one of the more recognizable faces of Pokemon boss battling history... and with good reason.
While Mole Train isn't as difficult as Giovanni, Mole Train is pretty fun for a boss fight and probably one of the better boss fights in Donkey Kong Country Returns. While the moles don't use "earth" attacks, they certainly throw pick axes at you as well as... well you fight them in a mine after all. While this fight may be higher on the list being more fresh in my mind as some of the others, it is a fun boss fight.
You have the correct ability, this fight is a breeze. You don't have an ability then you are in for one hell of a fight. People say Kirby games are easy, but this fight doesn't remind me of easy, however it is intense and pretty fun even if it can be very difficult if you aren't prepared for it. Also second "mole" to appear in the list, though this looks more like a robot then a mole.
And you thought the Burrowing Snagret was hell back in Pikmin. With the invention of Purple Pikmin, burrowing snagret has lost its reign of terror (almost) so to make the creature more difficult Nintendo decided to add a leg. If you've never played Pikmin, you won't know why this is giving the player hell. If you have, then you know the true terror. Actually if you are ready for it, it isn't that bad, but if not it is very difficult to deal with especially on a first or blind playthrough. See, the Burrowing Snagret is known for it's speed and by how many pikmin it can eat in seconds. The Pileated Snagret can eat just as fast but has far more mobility across the stage and is fairly quick about moving as well. Purple Pikmin can make short work of it, but it can be very difficult still.
I absolutely love this fight. While I enjoyed Sandman I was never too big of a fan outside of his appearances in the Sinister Six. Then this game came along. I wasn't expecting this level to be as cool as it was, and you get to fight Sandman three times in the level. The first time at the beginning of the level he is regular Sandman. He fights just like you'd think he would from the comics. Then there is the bigger Sandman which is similar to his Spider-Man 3 movie form which is cool. Then he turns into a sand storm. This is an awesome fight, as you are fighting a literal dust devil. this fight is entertaining and fun.
This beast is the surprise final boss fight of Arkham City. He rolls, he attacks, he is such a good boss fight and a great way to end the game unlike another Arkham Game we all know... Clayface is absurdly destructive and will destroy the arena in which you all are fighting in, however that doesn't stop him, rather when he falls into the Lazarus Pit, he ends up getting weirder, though luckily you are playing as Batman with a sword. Also Clayface has an excellent design for this game as well.
If it wasn't for the newest version of this fight, it wouldn't have placed this high. This fight went from okay to AWESOME after a few years. You have to kill one of the worms with your bow and arrows, and then afterwards, you place the Giant's Mask on your face, and beat the crap out of the second worm with your fists and swing him around like you were in a Godzilla movie. This fight literally went from seventh place to first because of the 3D version of this fight.
Well that is my list, thank you all for reading.