Summer Wars (anime movie) Review
Welcome! Come one come all to the review of Summer Wars, what is considered to be one of the best animated movies of all time and one of the best anime movies of all time. I don't know if it is the...
View ArticleDomination Ranting, Discussion, and Updates
Update So first let me post an update. I have several new games and anime. Hellsing Ultimate, Wolf Children, .Hack//Sign, .Hack//Twilight, Space Dandy Season 1, Volume 1 of Naruto, Volumes 1 and 2 of...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Earth/Dirt Based Boss Battles
Disclaimer This is my personal list. This list will only include boss fights form boss battles I've personally beaten, so unfortunately no Shadow of the Colossus as while it is on my list I've not...
View ArticleSpace Dandy Season 1 Review (anime)
Let's just jump right in. WARNING spoilers... maybe... also references to boobies WARNING Plot Plot? Continuity? What the hell are those things? Seriously though, this anime revolves around episodic...
View ArticleAssassin's Creed III Review
So let's get right down to it. WARNING spoilers WARNING Plot So the plot of Assassin's Creed III kind of follows the plot of the first few games. After the last game there is a point in which Desmond...
View ArticleHellsing Ultimate Volumes I - IV Review (Anime)
Just so everyone knows, one again this content was a horrendously small amount compared to the price of said content. My review does not represent amount of content rather quality of the content...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Rock/Dinosaur Based Boss Battles
I'm back with this. Almost forgot I had a Wednesday blog due. Disclaimer This is a personal list. While Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are on my hit list and I own them, I have yet to beat them. If I...
View ArticleWolf Children (anime movie) Review
Hello all. So I've missed last Friday and Monday (I typically blog Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and I suppose you are wondering as to why. Well someone in my family got sick and I've been taking care...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Ice Based Boss Battles
First, links to the others of this series. Plant Fire Water Electricity Bugs Poison Animal Flying/Air Earth/Dirt Rock/Dinosaur Warrior Now on with the show. WARNING possible spoilers WARNING Also...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Warrior Based Boss Battles
Disclaimer This is a personal list. My history is mostly Nintendo up until recently so expect a lot of that. If you disagree with my list, name your pick below. Due to my personal history, despite...
View Article.Hack//Sign Series Review (anime)
So this is a weird anime to review. Believe it or not no matter what I do, this review will only feel half done as the anime is linked to a few video games, as such you need to play the video games to...
View ArticleCowboy Bebop Movie Review (anime)
Hey everyone, before I begin my review, just want you to know I'm a bit busy this weekend as I'm setting up to work a fair in town. That being said, I'll still be able to do my normal reviews and blogs...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Undead Based Boss Battles
Links Plant Fire Water Electricity Bugs Poison Animal Flying/Air Earth/Dirt Rock/Dinosaur Ice Warrior Disclaimer This is a personal bias list based on my own history which is mostly Nintendo. More...
View ArticleOriginal Assassin's Creed Characters
Disclaimer These are original Assassin's Creed characters, and only four of them. I've created them based on events happening in the time period I picked. This is not meant to be the next Assassin's...
View ArticleMore Thoughts on Smash Bros
Hello and welcome to my look into the new DLC of Smash Bros. As some of you may know, I reviewed both the 3DS as well as the Wii U games separately, as well as looked into the DLC for Mewtwo and the...
View ArticleFive Things I Enjoyed from E3 2015
Disclaimer This is a personal list. Expect it to be bias. #5 Legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes I'm a little excited for this title. Due to the issues of being broke I missed out on Legend of Zelda Four...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Mind Bending Boss Fights
Links Plant Fire Water Electricity Bugs Poison Animal Flying/Air Earth/Dirt Rock/Dinosaur Ice Warrior Undead Disclaimer This is a personal list using games I've personally beaten. You have a difference...
View ArticleYu Yu Hakusho and the Golden Seal (anime movie review)
Disclaimer While I will be reviewing the movie, I will also talk about the OVAs that come with the Fundimation dub that you can get now. The OVAs and my quick opinion on them will be at the bottom at...
View ArticleJurassic World Review
Update Sorry I haven't been too active review wise. I am working on playing Assassin's Creed IV as well as Batman Arkham Knight, and I'll finish up Assassin's Creed III DLC and get to work on Ico soon....
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Metal Based Boss Battles
Disclaimer this is a personal top ten boss fights based off of my own personal history which includes a lot of Nintendo games. I'm only including fights from games I've beaten so despite playing the...
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