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Jurassic World Review



Sorry I haven't been too active review wise. I am working on playing Assassin's Creed IV as well as Batman Arkham Knight, and I'll finish up Assassin's Creed III DLC and get to work on Ico soon. I"ll also be watching Black Butler Season 1 soon as well.

WARNING possible spoilers WARNING




Two brothers end up going to Jurassic World, a dinosaur theme park where their busy aunt works. Instead of the aunt actually seeing them, she lets an assistant do the work. Meanwhile the aunt is working with the eccentric owner in an effort to create a new dinosaur, the Indominous Rex. After seeing the dinosaur, the owner of the park decides the guy training the raptors should come see it. He is training the raptors for a show rather then anything else. Somehow the Indominous Rex gets out (not spoiling it), and all hell breaks loose.

Is the plot any good? Actually it is. The plot isn't a one trick pony by any means and actually works on several levels. When I heard of genetically altered dinosaurs I thought it was going to be stupid, but I'm really impressed myself. The plot is great with many twists and turns involving the Indominous Rex and InGen from the last couple of movies. Also, while it doesn't talk about the dinosaurs from the last few movies, it doesn't ignore the previous parks, as Jurassic World is built on the grounds of the original Jurassic Park. It may not tell you everything, but it doesn't ignore the previous movies which is good for the fans.




Well you have the brothers, the aunt, the assistant, the raptor tamer, and the InGen guy as the main characters. I can't remember their names but I'll do a quick run down. The brothers feel like real brothers, to the point you almost root for them. One is the older brother who kind of picks on the younger brother, but he does care BEFORE things go down which is a nice touch. The aunt is dorky but she feels real as well, and cares about her nephews. The assistant is worthless and you don't see much of her. Raptor tamer is a less silly version of Star Lord but it works well. InGen guy is arrogant and trying to militarize everything. There are some weaknesses in the characters in the movie, yes, but most of the characters, ESPECIALLY the brothers are 3 dimensional characters with no one cliche running their lines and script. This isn't even getting into the dinosaurs.

Emotional Pull



Well the Indominous Rex is scary. The thing is thinking and intelligent, which makes every scene with it rather tense and actually a bit scary. The thing is a natural born killer and it shows it off during the movie. The ending was action pack and touching. The only issue I had was when the brothers mentioned their parents were divorcing. It comes out of left field, is never mentioned again, and only there to get the viewer to feel sorry for the brothers, and it doesn't work. Outside of that small little thing, Emotional Pull is great.

Scene Quality



Special Effects look great during the movie. The only issue is the dinosaurs are mostly CGI with only a few animatronics. The views match up most of the time, but this makes the raptors look kind of off at times. Another thing, that scene I mentioned where the parents were said to be divorcing? Yeah totally pointless scene. Similar to how the assistant was a pointless character, there are several scenes in this movie that could have been skipped. Don't be mistaken, most of the scenes and the special effects are top notch, but there are a few points in the movie you remember it is a movie.




Training raptors and the Indominous Rex are some of the more creative aspects of this movie. While they sound stupid at first they are used so well in this movie that the creative ideas actually paid off. Seriously, everything from the design of the park to the raptors, to the designs of the dinosaurs, what wasn't incredibly creative was kept simple reminding fans of the original Jurassic Park. The nods to the original movie are really nice and realistic as well, one guy wearing a shirt that is in "poor taste" as well as the jeeps returning and a moment I won't spoil that is basically a scene from the first movie.




If you are looking for a good movie with suspense, action, great plot, cool dinosaurs, and where the humans are actually worth seeing, then look no further. Jurassic World has all of that. While some of the special effects stand out a little and some of the scenes are pointless, the rest of the movie does fantastic, while not being completely perfect. There are minor flaws here and there, but they are so small and the rest of the movie does so well it is easy to over look outside of Cinema Sins.

Honestly I do recommend seeing this film. It is a great film for possible new fans of the Jurassic Park series, as well as a good film for people disappointed by overly silly human characters from the third film. Seeing this movie in theaters isn't a bad idea, though if you dislike dinosaurs or suspense nearly to the point of horror, then turn away. Also if you are a blood thirsty person turn away as well, as while the action is good, the blood is kept to a minimum in the film.

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