Inuyasha Affections Across Time Movie Review
Disclaimer This review is based on the categories provided. I base my reviews on Plot, Characterization, Emotional Pull, Scene Quality, and Creativity. After talking briefly about each subject, I'll do...
View ArticleDouble Review Dragon Ball Z Tree of Might and Lord Slug
Disclaimer Once again I'm doing a double review as the movies are rather short. I do reviews based on how good the plot, characterization, emotional pull, scene quality, and creativity are set up, and...
View ArticleInuyasha Movie 2 The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass Review
Disclaimer This review will focus on the plot, characterization, emotional pull, scene quality, and creativity of the movie, not the original source material. I may reference the original material, but...
View ArticleDouble Review, Dragon Ball Z Revenge of Cooler and Return of Cooler
Disclaimer These reviews are going to be as unbias as possible. I rate movies based on how well the plot, characters, emotional pull, scene quality, and creativity work with the movie. I'm doing two...
View ArticleAssassin's Creed III DLC Review
Disclaimer This is a quick blog about the DLC content of a video game. I don't review it like I would the actual game since normally the DLC doesn't change too much of the game. If you'd like my...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Characters I Want in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Disclaimer This is a personal choice list. I'm going by characters I think it would be really cool to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, through the movies or TV. There is one character on the list...
View ArticleDouble Review Dragon Ball Z Super Android 13 and Broly Legendary Super Saiyen
Disclaimer This is a review of two movies due to how short both movies are. Both movies are related to Dragon Ball Z, and I'll review based on how well the plot, characters, emotional pull, scene...
View ArticleInuyasha Swords of an Honorable Ruler Movie Review (anime)
Disclaimer This is a constructed review based on how well the plot and characters are written, how emotionally pleasing the media is, the scene or animation quality, and how well the creativity was...
View ArticleTen Personal Choices for Nintendo Movies
Disclaimer This is my personal choices for what series Nintendo should do a movie towards. Keep in mind, some of these will be wanting in live action and some animated. The series on here will all be...
View ArticleInuyasha Fire on the Mystic Island Review (anime movie)
Disclaimer I review based on the plot, characterization, emotional pull, animation and scene quality, and creativity in my anime movie reviews. I do not review by how short or long, or based on...
View ArticleYet Another Sword and Collection Update and... Amiibo!
Disclaimer This is a personal collection of mine. This includes swords, amiibos, and certain other things as a bonus. If you don't care about other people's collections, then feel free not to read....
View ArticleDouble Review, Dragon Ball Z Bojack Unbound and Broly: Second Coming
Disclaimer These reviews are written for movies based off of an anime. The way I review is by plot, characters, emotional pull and action, animation quality, and creativity. I may mention the original...
View ArticleSome Dumb Things I've Pulled Off In Gaming
Hello everyone. This is a short blog about some stupid but awesome things I've done while playing video games. There are three examples on this list making it short, but still fun. Into a Rock This one...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Tag Team Characters for Project X Zone 2 (Mostly Nintendo)
Disclaimer This is a personal list of characters I'd love to see in Project X Zone 2 following the announcement of some Nintendo specific characters. There are other characters other then Nintendo...
View ArticleDouble Anime Review Dragon Ball Z Bio-Broly and Fusion Reborn
Disclaimer This is a review intended to be as unbiased as possible. Any personal feelings towards these movies, or their original anime series or manga series will be ignored as much as possible in...
View ArticleTokyo Ghoul Season 1 Review
Disclaimer This anime review is based on plot, characterization, emotional pull and action, episode quality, and creativity, and how strong each section is. I will not reference the manga or other...
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Mind Bending Boss Fights
Links Plant Fire Water Electricity Bugs Poison Animal Flying/Air Earth/Dirt Rock/Dinosaur Ice Warrior Undead Metal Darkness Disclaimer This is a personal list using games I've personally beaten. You...
View ArticleYu Yu Hakusho and the Golden Seal (anime movie review)
Disclaimer While I will be reviewing the movie, I will also talk about the OVAs that come with the Fundimation dub that you can get now. The OVAs and my quick opinion on them will be at the bottom at...
View ArticleJurassic World Review
Update Sorry I haven't been too active review wise. I am working on playing Assassin's Creed IV as well as Batman Arkham Knight, and I'll finish up Assassin's Creed III DLC and get to work on Ico soon....
View ArticlePersonal Top Ten Metal Based Boss Battles
Disclaimer this is a personal top ten boss fights based off of my own personal history which includes a lot of Nintendo games. I'm only including fights from games I've beaten so despite playing the...
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